Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon GO Update: new secret features and BIG changes
Samstag, 27. August 2016
Pokemon GO's latest update has a number of references to features that are not yet active.
This includes the following references:
New Store Items,
Trading Pokemon,
So called "Forts",
Buddy Pokemon,
Catching Legendary Pokemon,
Google VR
New Store Items
"Cool" Incense and "Floral" Incense can be seen in the code of the newest version of Pokemon GO.
Trading Pokemon
Four clues suggest that trading is coming very soon:
• Trade Search
• Trade Offer
• Trade Response
• Trade Result
• Trade Offer
• Trade Response
• Trade Result
New Legendary Pokemon
Pokemon like Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres have been spotted in the code of the game. They're in the game, too - just not quite released to the public.
So-called "Forts"
Mention of "Forts" in the newest code for Pokemon GO made us think there'd be a whole new category of location in the game soon - however, our most recent analysis suggests that these are just references to either Pokemon Gym locations or Pokestops, where applicable.
Buddy Pokemon
Notes on "Buddy Pokemon" can be found in this newest update. Reference to "Buddy Candy Awarded" and "Buddy Walked Message" - so we wouldn't be extremely surprised to see something like Pikachu following our avatar in Pokemon Yellow business going on - though probably without the animation, to save on battery.
Google VR
As we discovered back in March of this year, Pokemon GO will have a virtual reality component. The Pokemon GO app file contains a folder called "VR", inside which can be found two folders: platform and Cardboard.
Some imagery above is Designed by Freepik and distributed by Flaticon
Originally published by Slashgear
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