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Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemom Go Update: Walk anywhere, walk everywhere with your Pokemon

According to recent data mining attempts, a new "Buddy System" feature has reportedly been found in the code of Pokemon Go that would make it much easier to evolve some of your rarer catches.

The Buddy system was first seen on AeonLucid’s PogoProtos, the biggest Github repository for analysing Pokemon GO network traffic. 

According to their breakdown, users would be able to designate one Pokemon as a buddy for a set amount of time, during which time they could walk with them to earn the corresponding candies required to evolve them or power them up. This would give players the chance to earn candies without having to catch tons of duplicates to make it happen.

Here's the breakdown of the code:
  • Pokemon Buddy System is using the same server side distance calculation as the one used for Pokemon Eggs
  • Walking your Pokemon Buddy will award you with candy. The amount of candy is yet to be determined.
  • You can walk the same Pokemon Buddy multiple times, but there is likely a daily limit for obtained candy
  • You can walk with only one Buddy Pokemon at a time
  • There are various looks of Buddy Pokemon
    • Medium size
    • Big size
    • Flying next to you
    • Rests on your shoulder
While this isn't official confirmation in any way from Niantic Labs or any other party involved with the app, according to the post on Go Hub, the code looks complete. The Pokemon Buddy system looks promising and simple. We expect it to land in the update next week as it reuses the Egg distance walked calculation and multiple existing endpoints.

Source: PokemonGo Hub